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Image by Jonathan Borba

Elevate Your Birth

Harness your true power and femininity on your birth journey as I guide you through the Marie Mongan HypnoBirthing® Method. 

As a Certified HypnoBirthing® Educator, I provide group and private sessions via Zoom and on Kauai.  Get in touch to learn more.

Melissa Olmos

Certified HypnoBirthing® Educator

I believe that birth is a magical, momentous occasion for the birthing person to experience. It is instinctive, natural, and physiologically normal, not an illness or disease that needs to be treated or fixed. My beliefs about birth weren't always this positive because of the birth stories shared by friends and family, and how birth was portrayed in education and in the media. When I heard about the Marie Mongan HypnoBirthing® Method, I knew intuitively that this was how I wanted to birth my baby: calm, positive, relaxed, empowered, and trusting in my body's physical capability to birth. After birthing both of my girls with this method, I felt compelled to share my story with the world and help influence how birth is viewed and experienced. To shout from the highest rooftops and mountains that "YOU CAN DO IT, TOO!" As a Certified HypnoBirthing® Educator, my goal is to provide you with the knowledge, techniques, and positive birth stories and experiences to empower you to have the birth of your dreams. 


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